Another way to give back to our recovery community, is the gift of your time.
We have several ways you can give your time to our community. From teaching a class to planning events, we have a role for everyone! Some roles are also available remotely! Contact Volunteer Coordinator, Elizabeth McMeekin at with any questions!
Volunteer Opportunities and Descriptions
Teach a class or workshop with our Members with School for Recovery!
- The School for Recovery desires to offer classes to holistically support the journeys of each member at the Recovery Cafe.
- Class topics can range from health/wellness, nutrition, yoga, spirituality, job/career preparation, healthy relationships, relapse prevention and more!
Serve on the Fundraising Planning Committee
- This committee helps in every aspect of planning the event from securing in-kind donations, to venue and vendor selection, to serving as a table captain and more!
- Lend your talents to help raise awareness and funds for our cause!
Facilitate Recovery Circles with our Members
- Individually engage with members by helping to facilitate recovery circles!
- Recovery circles allow members to build community among each other and go through recovery together.
- Recovery Coach Academy training required.
Provide Community Connections & Recovery Resources
- One of our key goals is to provide a growing awareness of Recovery Café DC in the community. We need help in connecting to community providers, recovery resources, members of the Café, supporters, and funders of the Café.
- Duties in this role may include but are not limited to booth and community outreach, story gathering and/or photography, or tabling certain events to share the story of Recovery Café DC.