Our Cafe’s Mission

Recovery Café DC is  a healing, transformative recovery community for all who have been traumatized by addiction and other mental health challenges, homelessness and incarceration.


Our Challenge

In Southeast, Washington, DC (Ward 8), SAMHSA estimates that in 2014, 11.46% of Ward 8 population needed, but did not receive treatment for alcohol and illicit drug use, and 19.25% suffered from mental health challenges. Ward 8 is home to the largest population of ex-felons and defendants under supervision in DC.

In the 2017 DC Women’s Needs Assessment Report of the Women’s Task Force of DC Interagency Council on Homelessness: 76% of homeless women in DC have experienced violence; 31% report current or past substance abuse (43% are not getting any treatment) and 83% of those reporting substance abuse are survivors of physical/sexual/emotional abuse by a parent, guardian or intimate partner. 76% of homeless women self-report experiencing at least 1 mental health indicator, and 86% of homeless women with mental health diagnosis report abuse by a parent, guardian and/or intimate partners.

Recovery Café DC is providing crucial support to men and women determined to rebuild their lives. We’ll be with you every step of the way!

Strong trees start as small sprouts

Our Work

Recovery Café DC believes that regardless of past trauma, addictive behaviors or mistakes made, everyone deserves a chance to “get back up and try again”.

Our program is designed to help people maintain recovery, build resiliency and a quality of life. Program components include:

Recovery Circles, School for Recovery, Spiritual Development and Employment Assistance

Our team teaches and models ways for people to manage mental health, maintain sobriety, and build community.


We are a proud Member of the

Recovery Café Network